About Us
Our rich Journey
Take a quick tour of HGI’s history (below) and see how we have grown over the years, leading the industry in providing geophysical services and developing exciting technologies.
Our Staff
Our staff’s determination and dedication give HGI the ability to perform outstanding service, generate value, and maintain flexibility for our customers.
Come work with us! Explore the possibilities and career opportunities of a lifetime at HGI and learn why a career at HGI could be the best work of your life.
HGI considers health and safety our greatest responsibility. We have the highest standards and conform with all local, state, and federal regulations.
HGI’s rich Journey
HGI was founded with the simple motto “If it’s in the ground and needs to be found, that’s our job!”,
1991 – Foundational Beginnings: Birth of HGI
1997 – Academic Connection: The Expansion of HGI
2000 – HGI’s Pioneering Role in Nuclear Waste Management
2004 – Geophysical Breakthrough: Subsurface Tank Monitoring
2005 – Revolutionizing Liner Leak Location
2006 – Innovative Fluid Monitoring: Enhancing Oil Recovery
2007 – Mineral Extraction: HGI’s Pioneering Approach
2008 – Navigating Canal Geotech: Mapping the Panama Canal
2010 – Geotection Trailer: The Future of Hydrogeological Monitoring
2012 – Shaking Up Geophysics: Expanded Seismic Services
2013 – Pioneering Copper Recovery: Carlota Copper
2017 – Redefining Dam Assessment: HGI’s Innovative Approach
Early in HGI’s history, a commitment to creative innovation led to new geophysical methods for solving challenging problems in various industries. In 2017, HGI used time-lapse electrical resistivity to help a client understand seepage through a dam. This non-invasive technique offers high-resolution, continuous information resembling an MRI cross-section and highlights potential issues related to erosion or seepage. From this experience, HGI developed Dam Assessment tools to assist dam, levee, and tailings dam owners in understanding internal integrity using geophysical technologies. HGI employs electrical resistivity, seismic, and streaming potential (SP) methods to create an internal picture of complex structures, providing data-rich information for solution-ready, actionable results.
2019 – Aerial Mapping of Copper Leach Pads
2022 – Geophysical Support for Wind Energy
2023 – HGI at 30: A Journey of Innovation and Dedication
We’re grateful for the trust and partnership of our clients who have journeyed with us. Their challenges have pushed us to broaden our horizons and constantly enhance our methodologies. In these 30 years, we have sought to deliver comprehensive geophysical services, from survey planning and acquisition, through processing and interpretation, with a commitment to quality and safety. We remain committed to delivering the highest quality service, the latest geophysical innovations, and the exceptional performance standards we are known for.