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Michael McNeill

Senior Engineer, Richland, Washington

Michael’s Snapshot

Title:Senior Engineer
Degree: B.Sc. Geological Engineering
University: University of Arizona
HGI Start Date: 2017

Home Office: Richland, Washington
Specialty: Electrical resistivity, geophysical data analysis, and modeling
Escape Activities: Trail running – Music – Cooking


Michael McNeill is a Senior Engineer at hydroGEOPHYSICS, with 15 years of experience as a geophysicist and engineer.

Joining HGI in 2004, Michael was part of a team that engineered and managed the first-ever leak detection and monitoring (LDM) resistivity system for nuclear waste tanks at the Hanford Site in eastern Washington State. This work also included designing and developing a software package that would provide continuous, automated monitoring and data analysis. These systems are still in use at the Hanford Site in 2023.

Michael has developed a diverse knowledge of geophysical methods during his tenure with HGI. He has been involved with many projects in the western United States, Mexico, and South America over the years, primarily relating to the Environmental, Leak Detection, and Mining Services provided by HGI. These projects have allowed Michael to become well-versed in electrical resistivity techniques, seismic methods, and electromagnetic, magnetic, and ground-penetrating radar sensors.

Michael holds a Bachelor of Science in Geological Engineering from the University of Arizona. Michael is an accomplished mountain and trail runner and has completed foot races as long as 100 miles.

Michael at work:

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