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Jeremy Strohmeyer

Senior Project Manager, Richland, Washington

Jeremy’s Snapshot

Title: Senior Project Manager
Degree: MS in Geology & Geophysics
University: University of Missouri-Rolla
HGI Start Date: 2017

Home Office: Richland, Washington
Specialty: Management, Business Development, Seismic Methods, Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Modeling
Escape Activities: Camping, Hiking, Music, Community Involvement, and Travel


Jeremy Strohmeyer is a Senior Project Manager for hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc (HGI).  Jeremy is responsible for all aspects of managing projects for complex hydrological, environmental, and engineering problems.  Jeremy knows that every project site is different, and effective communication is the key to determining the best approach to a subsurface investigation.

Jeremy has a broad range of experience with surface, underwater, and borehole near-surface geophysical methods.  He has a particular interest in seismic methods, including refractionreflection, and surface wave methods.  Jeremy has worked on a variety of dam investigations including determining bedrock topography, weathered rock zones, seepage zones, void investigations, and soft sediment surveys to direct dredging operations.  He has also guided many investigations in karst environments to determine the locations of caves, sinkholes, and other solution features, bedrock topography, and fracture analysis.  Jeremy has also been very involved with helping state DOT’s and municipalities locate voids beneath pavement, utilities, old underground storage tanks, determine pavement thickness, extents and volumes of fill, and landfill extents and volumes.

Jeremy is a licensed geologist in the states of Kansas, Missouri, and North Carolina.  Jeremy has participated in committees and leadership positions in several organizations including the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS), Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (AEG), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), Society of American Military Engineers (SAME), and Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).

Jeremy holds a BS in Geology & Geophysics, and an MS in Geology & Geophysics from the University of Missouri-Rolla.  He did his master’s research identifying shallow potable water resources for communities south of the Kalahari Desert in South Africa.

Jeremy is a baritone and performs in concerts with his church choir.  He enjoys engaging with his community through various activities with the Knights of Columbus, visiting the sick and dying in hospitals, helping people going through cancer treatments, and especially helping people with developmental disabilities.  Jeremy enjoys being in nature camping and hiking, especially with his amazing son.

Jeremy at work:

Articles by Jeremy

The Latest in Subsurface Investigations Seismic Surface Waves (MASW)

Locating Abandoned Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

Seismic Capabilities & Uses – hydroGEOPHYSICS