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Image Gallery
HGI image gallery displays striking visuals from hydrogeophysics projects, revealing a fascinating peek into groundwater studies and geophysical methods.
Geophysics For Acid Mine Drainage
Solutions For A Complex World Geophysics for Acid Mine Drainage Article by: Joe Cain | Geologist | hydroGEOPHYSICS According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, more than half a million abandoned coal and metal mines are discharging acid mine drainage (AMD) into streams, rivers, lakes, and shallow groundwater sources across the US. Acid mine...
Mapping Contaminant Plumes With Geophysics
Solutions For A Complex World Mapping Contaminant Plumes With Geophysics Article by: Moira Poje | Geoscientist II | hydroGEOPHYSICS Contaminant plumes in groundwater are a widespread environmental problem. Tracking plumes can be complex and daunting while estimating the plume’s extent, source, and impact can have high uncertainty, especially when...
Geophysics Workshop For Hydrological Assessment
Arizona Hydrological Symposium Workshop *Note, you do not have to attend the AHS Symposium to attend the geophysical workshop. Surface Geophysical Methods for Hydrological Assessment Presented by the Arizona Hydrological Society During the 34th Annual Symposium Instructor: Dr. Dale Rucker, hydroGEOPHYSICS Inc. Time: 8AM – 12PM | Date: Wed, Sept 14 |...
Side Slope Seepage Investigations
Solutions For A Complex World Side Slope Seepage Investigations Article by: Dr. Dale Rucker | Chief Technical Officer | hydroGEOPHYSICS For mining engineers and leach pad supervisors, informed slope design of heaps and dumps is essential for minimizing failure risk, maintaining safe stacking, and maximizing ore output and profit. Design reliability...
Geophysical Tools For Lithium Basin Characterization
Solutions For A Complex World: Geophysical Tools For Lithium Basin Characterization Article by: Caleb Perez | hydroGEOPHYSICS The race is on to harness innovative green energy technologies and their clean power. Governments worldwide are forging ahead with determination to transform the energy industry into a resilient, balanced, and...
Geophysics For Managed Aquifer Recharge
Solutions For A Complex World: Geophysics For Managed Aquifer Recharge Article by: HGI Staff | hydroGEOPHYSICS In the United States, groundwater provides drinking water for roughly half of the country’s population. As populations grow and the climate changes, increasing stress is placed on our groundwater resources, and it becomes increasingly...