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Geophysics Workshop For Hydrological Assessment

Arizona Hydrological Symposium Workshop

*Note, you do not have to attend the AHS Symposium to attend the geophysical workshop.

Portrait of Dr. Dale Rucker, chief technical officer for hydroGEOPHYSICS.

Surface Geophysical Methods for
Hydrological Assessment

Presented by the Arizona Hydrological Society During the 34th Annual Symposium

Instructor: Dr. Dale Rucker, hydroGEOPHYSICS Inc.

Time: 8AM – 12PM | Date: Wed, Sept 14 | Room: Ballroom E

Geophysical Workshop Description

Geophysical technologies are proven and cost effective, allowing the targeted, large-scale holistic assessment of near-surface hydrological features. However, they are often poorly understood among those who assess hydrological systems and often overlooked in favor of more traditional, yet limited, exploratory techniques such as drilling. Surface geophysics is used as a noninvasive target recognition tool for…

  • Assessing depth to the water table for unconfined aquifers.
  • Characterizing aquifer storage and monitoring recovery.
  • Characterizing the depth, thickness, and lateral dimensions of groundwater aquifers.
  • Exploring new groundwater sources and investigating groundwater/surface water interactions.
  • Characterizing the distribution of soil moisture in unsaturated zones and delineating plumes.
  • Mapping fracture and investigating karst features.


Image of HGI staff member working on Patagonia Dam


Workshop Topics

This workshop will introduce fundamental geophysical methodologies to engineers, hydrologists, and physical scientists, providing an overview of various geophysical technologies and how they are being used for hydrological assessment. It is designed to capitalize on the interaction between professionals working within the Southwest water resource community.

In addition to sessions on the theory, proper use, and limitations of geophysical technologies, the workshop will include presentations on:

  • State-of-the-practice methodologies
  • Advancements in geophysical imaging and monitoring of small and large structures
  • Case studies using geophysical tools to assess subsurface hydrological systems

About Instructor: Dr. Dale Rucker

Dale Rucker is the Chief Technical Officer for hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc (HGI) and holds a doctorate in hydrology and water resources from the UA. As CTO, he is responsible for the technical direction of the company, including the development of new hardware, software tools, and interpretation for geophysical methods aimed at solving hydrological and engineering problems. Dale’s main areas of research focus on rapid monitoring of dynamic subsurface processes, such as subsurface injections, focused recharge, and remediation. He is a member of SEG, EEGS, AGU, SME, and EAGE. He was also the editor of the Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.

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