Brian’s Snapshot
Title: Southwest Regional Director
Degree: Geology and Geophysics
University: University of Wisconsin
HGI Start Date: 2005
Home Office: Houston, Texas
Specialty: Management, logistics, data acquisition, other
Escape Activities: Hiking, fishing, carpentry, basketball, and travel.
Brian Cubbage is the Southwest Regional Director for hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc. (HGI). He has a diverse background in geosciences, emphasizing geology and geophysics. Brian is responsible for HGI’s Texas office, and his responsibilities include project management, design and implementation of geophysical methods, and the development of Texas area sales. As a Senior Project Manager and HGI branch manager, Brian focuses on new geophysical markets across multiple industries.
Over the last 15 years, Brian’s experience has included electrical resistivity projects related to underground waste plumes at the Hanford Nuclear Site in Washington State and Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Projects using seismic refraction and electrical resistivity methods to map structure and faults at the NASA White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico and related surveys across the Midwest. More recently, Brian has significantly contributed to HGI’s mining geophysics programs, focusing on secondary recovery methods for copper and gold leach pads using electrical resistivity methods. In his latest role as the HGI Texas area branch manager, Brian uses his experience in project management, client development, and sales to expand HGI’s market into new areas such as petrochemical and oil & gas on the Gulf Coast.
Brian has published multiple papers in geophysics, ranging from subsurface imaging of complex industrial areas to environmental monitoring and assessment of Hanford’s tank farms in Washington State. In his latest publication, he is the lead author of a paper on developing a new electrical resistivity array type created in partnership with Dr. Dale Rucker.
Brian enjoys mentoring junior staff to help train the next generation of geophysicists at HGI. In his spare time, he enjoys fishing, hiking, and traveling, which is a perfect fit for the unique world of geophysics.
Brian holds a BS in Geology and Geophysics from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.