WRPS highlights HGI and Surface Geophysical Exploration technology in its weekly magazine ‘Solutions’

HGI’s Surface Geophysical Exploration technology was featured in the July 29 issue of ‘Solutions’, a weekly publication of highlights and progress of the Hanford Tank Operations Contractor, Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS).  Also known as SGE, Surface Geophysical Exploration technology is an imaging tool that works by using a grid of sensors at the ground surface to detect and map changes or distortions in an imposed electrical field.

This summer’s SGE work represents the first full-farm, true-3D electrical resistivity deployment to characterize soils at Hanford’s C and U Farms. The SGE process helps provide better understanding of the contamination in the soil under and around the waste storage tanks at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

(WRPS) weekly publication ‘Solutions’

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